Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures (GSLL)
GSLL 2350 (3) Introduction to Jewish Culture
Explores the development and expressions of Jewish cultures across the chronological and geographical map of the Jewish people, with an emphasis on the variety of Jewish ethnicities and their cultural productions, cultural syncretism, and changes, including such issues as sexuality and foodways. Sets the discussion in relevant contexts and looks at cultural representations that include literary, religious and visual texts.
Equivalent - Duplicate Degree Credit Not Granted: JWST 2350
Additional Information: Arts Sci Core Curr: Human Diversity
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Diversity-Global Perspective
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Diversity-U.S. Perspective
Departmental Category: Germanic and Slavic Courses
GSLL 2551 (3) Modern Jewish Literature
Examines Jewish experience through the study of literary texts from around the world, mainly from the 20th and 21st centuries. Discusses issues pertaining to secularism and tradition; diasporas and homelands; modernity and questions of identity raised by the intellectual transitions brought about by political and social emancipation; sexualities; enormous changes wrought by population redistributions, world wars and rapid cultural transformations.
Equivalent - Duplicate Degree Credit Not Granted: JWST 2551
Additional Information: Arts Sci Core Curr: Literature and the Arts
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities
Departmental Category: Germanic and Slavic Courses
GSLL 3401 (3) The Heart of Europe: Filmmakers and Writers in 20th Century Central Europe
Surveys the major works of 20th century central and central east European film and literature. Examines cultural production in the non-imperial countries and non-national languages of the region including Yiddish, Belarusian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Romanian, among others. Traces the rise of nationalism over the course of the century from the age of empires through the "Cold War." Taught in English.
Equivalent - Duplicate Degree Credit Not Granted: JWST 3401
Additional Information: Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities
Departmental Category: Germanic and Slavic Courses
GSLL 3600 (3) Contemporary Jewish Societies
Uses transnational lens to explore contemporary debates about Jewish people, places and practices of identity and community; places that Jews have called 'home', and what has made, or continues to make those places 'Jewish'; issues of Jewish homelands and diasporars; gender, sexuality, food and the Jewish body; religious practices in contemporary contexts. Readings drawn primarily from contemporary journalism and scholarship.
Equivalent - Duplicate Degree Credit Not Granted: JWST 3600 and IAFS 3600
Additional Information: Arts Sci Core Curr: Human Diversity
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Diversity-Global Perspective
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Social Sciences
Arts Sci Gen Ed: Diversity-U.S. Perspective
Departmental Category: Germanic and Slavic Courses
GSLL 5900 (1-6) Independent Study
Repeatable: Repeatable for up to 6.00 total credit hours. Allows multiple enrollment in term.
Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Additional Information: Departmental Category: Germanic and Slavic Courses