The neurosciences certificate program encourages undergraduate students interested in how the brain controls behavior to take courses in the basic sciences while providing the means to specialize in neuroscience.

Since this subdiscipline of the biological sciences spans a number of departments at the university (e.g., integrative physiology, psychology & neuroscience, and MCD biology), students are encouraged to obtain greater academic breadth through inter­departmental course selection.

For more information, visit the Undergraduate Certificate in Neuroscience website. 


To obtain the certificate, a student must satisfy the requirements of a major other than the NRSC major and the requirements of the neuroscience certificate, and maintain a grade point average of 3.20 or better. All courses must be taken for a letter grade (no pass/fail).

Required Courses
General Chemistry sequence with lab (or equivalent sequence)
CHEM 1113
CHEM 1114
General Chemistry 1
and Laboratory in General Chemistry 1
CHEM 1133
CHEM 1134
General Chemistry 2
and Laboratory in General Chemistry 2
Organic Chemistry sequence (or equivalent sequence)
CHEM 3311
CHEM 3321
Organic Chemistry 1
and Laboratory in Organic Chemistry 1
CHEM 3331
CHEM 3341
Organic Chemistry 2
and Laboratory in Organic Chemistry 2
General Physics sequence with lab (or equivalent sequence)
PHYS 2010
PHYS 2020
General Physics 1
and General Physics 2
Biology with lab6
Select one of the two options (or approved equivalent biology courses):
Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology
and Problem Solving Co-Seminar for Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology
From Dirt to DNA: Phage Genomics Laboratory I
Antibiotics Discovery Through Hands-on Screens I
Biological Probiotic/Drug Discovery Through Hands-on Screens
General Biology 1
and General Biology Laboratory 1
Biological Psychology 1
Introduction to Neuroscience I: Foundations
General Genetics3
Select one of the following:
Genetics: Molecules to Populations
Principles of Genetics
Physiological Genetics and Genomics
Or an approved equivalent general genetics course
Select one of the following:
Psychological Science I: Statistics
Intro to Data Science and Biostatistics
Introduction to Statistics and Quantitative Thinking for Biologists
Biological Statistics
Introduction to Statistics
Or an approved equivalent statistics course
At least two additional upper - division Neuroscience/Behavior courses in IPHY, MCDB, PSYC and/or another department; one of these courses has to be outside of the home department. In the case of double majors, one advanced neuroscience course from each major department fulfills this requirement.
Total Credit Hours51

For more information on this certificate and answers to frequently asked questions, see the Neuroscience Undergraduate Certificate website or email Professor Serge Campeau, director of the program.