The minor in quantum engineering provides training and a solid foundation in quantum technologies. Quantum technologies have applications in quantum-enhanced sensors, quantum communications and quantum computing. The goal is to introduce students to the fundamentals of quantum theory and explore all of the major hardware platforms. This will allow graduates to easily adapt to the variety of technologies seen in industry. The skills obtained in this minor are important to students who expect to participate in real-world situations that increasingly involve quantum technologies. 


The quantum engineering minor requires a minimum of 18 credit hours.

A minor in quantum engineering can be earned in conjunction with any CU Boulder major.

Students earning a BS in Electrical Engineering or Electrical & Computer Engineering are also eligible for this minor, but the three required courses (ECEN 3915, ECEN 4925, CSCI/PHYS 3090) may not apply as advanced concentration electives or technical electives toward their bachelor's degree. The quantum engineering minor can be completed alongside no more than one of the following minors: computer engineering, electrical engineering and signals & systems engineering.


Students must have completed these courses with a C- or higher before declaring the minor:

Additionally, it is recommended that students have taken Calculus 3 (APPM 2350MATH 2400 or similar), probability (APPM 3570STAT 3100MATH 3510ECEN 3810 or similar) and PHYS 2130 as preparatory subjects for the minor.

Grade Requirements

A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.000 is required in the courses used to satisfy the minor requirements. Each individual course that is counted toward this minor must be passed with a grade of D- or higher (note that a minimum grade of C- is required in all prerequisite courses).

Residency Requirements

At least 9 credit hours for the minor must be taken on the CU Boulder campus.

Required Courses and Credits

Within the quantum engineering minor, there is a theory and experimental track. It will consist of a set of required core courses and a selection of electives, as follows.

Foundations Courses (to be taken by both Theory & Experimental Track students)
ECEN 3915Foundations of Quantum Engineering 3-6
or PHYS 3220
PHYS 4410
Quantum Mechanics 1
and Quantum Mechanics 2
ECEN 4925Foundations of Quantum Hardware3
Track Course
Theory Track
CSCI/PHYS/ECEN 3090Introduction to Quantum Computing3
Experimental Track (to be offered starting in 2024 or 2025)
ECEN 4XXX Quantum Engineering Lab
Choose 9 credit hours of approved upper-division technical coursework. 19
Total Credit Hours18-21