Language Technology (LGTC)


LGTC 5010 (2) Second Language Acquisition and Language Education

Introduces students to major theoretical approaches to Second Language Acquisition and explores their educational potential through scholarly readings and practical implementation and assessment of their usefulness in the foreign language classroom. This course is offered online summer semesters (D Term) through the School of Continuing Education.

Grading Basis: Letter Grade

LGTC 5020 (3) Educational Technology Foundation

Introduces the field of language technology from its origin to today; the latest theories and practices in technology integration; key journals, trends, issues and researchers in the field. This course is offered online summer semesters (D Term) through the School of Continuing Education.

Grading Basis: Letter Grade

LGTC 5030 (2) Language Technology Tools in Practice

Introduces students to major technical tools, explores their educational potential through scholarly readings and practical implementation and assessment of their usefulness in the classroom.

Grading Basis: Letter Grade

LGTC 5031 (2) Emerging Technology for Language Learning

Introduces students to new and emerging technology and practices, explores their educational potential through scholarly readings and practical implementation and assessment of their usefulness in the classroom.

Grading Basis: Letter Grade

LGTC 5032 (2) Digital Games and Language Learning

Understand the fundamental aspects of games and gamification. Be able to distinguish between gaming and gamification in a classroom context. Explain and apply how games can support instruction. Identify various game tools and resources for classroom use and explain how these tools and resources support learning. Use appropriate professional language to discuss game mechanics in a learning context. Apply ACTFL standards for teaching and learning to gameful learning contexts.

Grading Basis: Letter Grade

LGTC 5035 (2) Online and Blended Language Instruction

Explores the topic of teaching and learning languages online and in a blended format with an emphasis on employing best practices, course design, assessment and the use of synchronous and asynchronous tools to plan, deliver, teach and assess language through learning management systems and various Web 2.0 tools, culminating in the creation of a sample course plan and sample module for a prospective online or blended language course.

Grading Basis: Letter Grade

LGTC 5040 (2) Telecollaboration for Language Learning Foundations

Trains foreign language faculty and instructors in dual immersion language learning via telecollaboration. This course is offered online summer semesters (B Term) through the School of Continuing Education.

Grading Basis: Letter Grade

LGTC 5045 (1) Language Teacher Proficiency Through Telecollaboration

Requires that students conduct a total of 10, 30-minute long virtual immersions (through a video conferencing tool) with a language partner. Students will receive assistance to find a partner. Can be repeated for a total of 2 credit hours for certificate students.

Repeatable: Repeatable for up to 2.00 total credit hours.

LGTC 5050 (3) Language Technology Practicum

Select, design, implement and assess a capstone instructional technology project of significance. Students will work closely with their advisor at each stage of the project and develop an online multimedia portfolio. This course is offered online spring semesters through the School of Continuing Education.

Grading Basis: Letter Grade

LGTC 5060 (3) Global Voices, Telecollaboration, and Language Learning

Telecollaboration refers to the practice of pairing students or groups of students to native speakers of the target language through video conferencing tools for the specific purpose of increasing their oral and cultural proficiency. In this course, you will learn about the many approaches to telecollaboration, including using social media, one-on-one, and class-to-class exchanges, and virtual guest speakers. You will learn to design pedagogical tasks that ensure that these activities have a measurable impact on students' global awareness, linguistic proficiency, and intercultural competence.

Grading Basis: Letter Grade