The Master of Science Thesis is a degree program that is well suited for students pursuing a career in academia or industry with a research component. MS Thesis students may choose from focus areas including (but not limited to) air quality, biomedical, design, energy and environment, materials, mechanics of materials, microsystems, and robotics/control. Students declare the MS Thesis program only after confirmation of a faculty member willing to serve as their thesis advisor. With support from the thesis advisor, students in this program have the option of smoothly transitioning into the PhD program.
If a student plans to earn a master's degree and then immediately continue on to a PhD, they can apply directly to the PhD program; it is not necessary to earn a master's degree separately.
For more information, visit the department’s Master of Science Thesis webpage.
The mechanical engineering Master of Science Thesis curriculum is designed to provide a balance between a modern technological focus and disciplinary depth.
Students must complete at least 30 graduate-level credit hours, to include at least 18 credits in mechanical engineering, including 6 credits of thesis work. Students must also take MCEN 5020 Methods of Engineering Analysis 1 and MCEN 5208 Introduction to Research Methods as a part of the thesis degree requirements. Up to 12 credits may be taken outside of the department. To have courses count towards the degree, they must be numbered 5000-level or above secure a thesis advisor for research and earn a C or above.
Students must secure a thesis advisor for research and course guidance.
For more information, visit the department’s Master of Science Thesis webpage.