The future faculty development certificate (FFD) allows graduate students and postdoctoral scholars who do not teach the chance to do a project to learn about postsecondary teaching or institutions.

The certificate is sponsored by the Center for Teaching & Learning, which supports graduate students on the Boulder campus and provides continued professional development opportunities. The Center for Teaching & Learning prepares graduate students for success on the job market in higher education or in the private sector as professionals.

To that end, we offer:

  • Comprehensive college teacher training (workshops on teaching, individual consultation on any aspect of the graduate experience, video consultation on teaching in labs, recitations and courses).
  • Workshops and guidance to support the scholarship of teaching and learning.
  • Academic and nonacademic career preparation opportunities through conferences, seminars and individual consultations on curriculum vitae, job letters, teaching statements, diversity statements and interviewing skills.


The certificate is open to all graduate students in good standing.

For more information and completion requirements, visit the Center for Teaching & Learning website's Future Faculty Development webpage.