Academic advising is a critical component in the success of undergraduate students. Its goal is to assist students in creating and achieving educational, career and life goals. Advising is more than offering information about academic courses and programs; it also involves encouraging students to formulate important questions about the nature and direction of their education. Advisors help students to explore their options and personalize their academic experience.
Advising Centers
There are several advising centers across the Boulder campus, primarily housed in colleges and schools. Academic advisors are professional staff or faculty members who have an expertise in navigating the entire curriculum and in developing mentoring relationships with students. Students are encouraged to meet with an advisor at least once each semester.
College of Arts & Sciences: Serving students pursuing the natural sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
Leeds School of Business: Serving students pursuing accounting, finance, management and marketing.
School of Education: Serving students pursuing Bachelor of Arts in elementary education, Bachelor of Arts in leadership and community engagement, education minor, leadership studies minor and teacher licensure.
College of Engineering & Applied Science: Serving students pursuing aerospace engineering; chemical and biological engineering; civil, environmental and architectural engineering; electrical, computer and energy engineering; mechanical engineering; and computer science.
Program in Environmental Design: Serving students pursuing design studies, architecture, planning and landscape architecture.
Program in Exploratory Studies: Serving students in the Program in Exploratory Studies as well as students in any college, school or program interested in exploring different academic paths.
College of Media, Communication and Information: Serving students pursuing advertising, PR and media design; communication; critical media practices; information science; intermedia art, writing and performance; journalism; and media studies.
College of Music: Serving students pursuing music and music performance.
Continuing Education: Serving students interested in evening or online courses, or who took CU Boulder classes previously and are interested in returning.