Vaccine, therapeutic and antimicrobials development. Genome-engineering for gene therapy and pharmaceutical applications. Tissue engineering directing tissue growth for regenerating cartilage and cardiac muscle using stem cells. Quantum dots for imaging and therapeutics. Nanomaterials for labs-on-a-chip diagnostics. Polymers for drug delivery and in vivo imaging (e.g., detecting cancer). Synthetic biology to redesign organisms for useful purposes. Immunoengineering to create tools which investigate and change the immune system.

Biological engineers at CU Boulder learn the skills necessary to work on these cutting-edge technologies and more. Learn from world-class faculty leveraging innovative, award-winning education practices and hands-on lab experiences. Join the ranks of engineers making an impact in these life-saving fields!


Prerequisites and Passing Grades

Unless otherwise specified, minimum passing grades for all courses that are prerequisites for other required courses is C-. If a grade of D+ or lower is received in a course which is a prerequisite to another, the student may not register for the subsequent course until the first grade has been raised to a C- or higher. In addition biological engineering and/or CHEN core courses taken in a student’s senior year also require a minimum grade of C-, even though they are not prerequisites. 

Unless specified otherwise, the minimum passing grade for a course that is not specifically a prerequisite for another required course is D-.

Students may be dropped from courses if they do not meet the minimum prerequisite grade requirements. It is the student's responsibility to communicate with the department if summer coursework and/or transfer credit will be used to meet the prerequisite requirement.

Course Requirements

Required Engineering Courses

A total of 128 credit hours is required.

CHEN 1310Introduction to Engineering Computing3
CHEN 2120Chemical Engineering Material and Energy Balances3
BIEN 2810Biology for Engineers3
or MCDB 1150 Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology
or EBIO 1220 General Biology 2
CHEN 3010Applied Data Analysis3
CHEN 3200Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics3
or MCEN 3021 Fluid Mechanics
CHEN 3210Chemical Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer4
CHEN 3320Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics3
BIEN 3800Fundamentals of Biotechnology3
or MCDB 2150 Principles of Genetics
CHEN 4090Undergraduate Seminar1
BIEN 4520Biological Process and Product Design3
CHEN 4521Physical Chemistry for Engineers3
BIEN 4530Biological Engineering Design Project2
BIEN 48053
BIEN 48103
or BIEN 4010
BIEN 4020
Biological Engineering Senior Thesis 1
and Biological Engineering Senior Thesis 2
BIEN 48203
BIEN 4830Biokinetics and Reactor Design3
Focus Technical Electives3
Choose one of the following:
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Tissue Engineering
Metabolic Engineering
BIEN 4804
Special Topics in Biological Engineering

Required Mathematics Courses

APPM 1350Calculus 1 for Engineers4
or MATH 1300 Calculus 1
or APPM 1345 Calculus 1 with Algebra, Part B
APPM 1360Calculus 2 for Engineers4
or MATH 2300 Calculus 2
APPM 2350Calculus 3 for Engineers4
or MATH 2400 Calculus 3
APPM 2360Introduction to Differential Equations with Linear Algebra4
or MATH 2130
MATH 3430
Introduction to Linear Algebra for Non-Mathematics Majors
and Ordinary Differential Equations
or MATH 2135
MATH 3430
Introduction to Linear Algebra for Mathematics Majors
and Ordinary Differential Equations

Required Science Courses

CHEM 1221Engineering General Chemistry Lab1
or CHEM 1134 Laboratory in General Chemistry 2
CHEN 1201General Chemistry for Engineers 1 (If a student completes CHEN 1211 instead of CHEN 1201 & CHEN 1203, then student must complete 2 additional credits as Free Electives)4
or CHEN 1211 Accelerated Chemistry for Engineers
CHEN 1203General Chemistry for Engineers 2 (If a student completes CHEN 1211 instead of CHEN 1201 & CHEN 1203, then student must complete 2 additional credits as Free Electives)2
or CHEN 1211 Accelerated Chemistry for Engineers
or CHEM 1133 General Chemistry 2
BCHM 4611Principles of Biochemistry3
CHEM 3311Organic Chemistry 14
CHEM 3321Laboratory in Organic Chemistry 11
CHEM 3331Organic Chemistry 24
CHEM 3341Laboratory in Organic Chemistry 21
PHYS 1110General Physics 14
or PHYS 1115 General Physics 1 for Majors

Humanities, Social Sciences and Writing

Complete the College's Humanities, Social Sciences, and Writing requirements (18 credits total).

Technical Electives

General Technical Electives must meet specific requirements (9 credits total). Visit the department's Current Students webpage and consult the current advising guide.

Free Electives

3 credits of Free Electives allowed.

Modified Pathways

Premed Path

This path is offered for students preparing for medical school. Since biological engineering already requires most of the premed courses, it is a logical choice for students who desire an engineering degree and the opportunity to pursue a medical profession. For information on the premed path, visit the department's current students webpage and consult the current advising guide.

Recommended Four-Year Plan of Study

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
Fall SemesterCredit Hours
APPM 1350 Calculus 1 for Engineers 4
CHEN 1201 General Chemistry for Engineers 1 4
CHEN 1300 Introduction to Chemical and Biological Engineering (Optional 1-Credit Technical Elective) 1 1
CHEN 1310 Introduction to Engineering Computing 3
COEN 1830 Special Topics (Engineering First-Year Seminar) 1
Humanities or Social Science Elective 2 2
 Credit Hours14
Spring Semester
APPM 1360 Calculus 2 for Engineers 4
CHEM 1221 Engineering General Chemistry Lab 1
CHEN 1203 General Chemistry for Engineers 2 2
BIEN 2810 Biology for Engineers 3
PHYS 1110 General Physics 1 4
Humanities or Social Science Elective 2 3
 Credit Hours17
Year Two
Fall Semester
APPM 2350 Calculus 3 for Engineers 4
CHEM 3311 Organic Chemistry 1 4
CHEM 3321 Laboratory in Organic Chemistry 1 1
CHEN 2120 Chemical Engineering Material and Energy Balances 3
BIEN 3800
Fundamentals of Biotechnology
or Principles of Genetics
Free Elective 3 3
 Credit Hours18
Spring Semester
APPM 2360 Introduction to Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 4
CHEM 3331 Organic Chemistry 2 4
CHEM 3341 Laboratory in Organic Chemistry 2 1
CHEN 3200 Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics 3
CHEN 4090 Undergraduate Seminar 1
CHEN 4521 Physical Chemistry for Engineers 3
 Credit Hours16
Year Three
Fall Semester
CHEN 3010 Applied Data Analysis 3
CHEN 3210 Chemical Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer 4
CHEN 3320 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 3
College-Approved Writing Course 4 3
Humanities or Social Science Elective 2 3
 Credit Hours16
Spring Semester
BCHM 4611 Principles of Biochemistry 3
BIEN 4820 3
BIEN 4805 3
BIEN 4830 Biokinetics and Reactor Design 3
Technical Elective 1, 3 3
Humanities or Social Science Elective 2 3
 Credit Hours18
Year Four
Fall Semester
BIEN 4520 Biological Process and Product Design 3
BIEN 4810 3
BIEN/CHEN Technical Elective 5 3
Technical Electives 1, 3 6
 Credit Hours15
Spring Semester
BIEN 4530 Biological Engineering Design Project 2
BIEN/CHEN Technical Elective 5 3
Technical Elective 1, 3 3
Focus Technical Elective 6 3
Humanities or Social Science Elective 2 3
 Credit Hours14
 Total Credit Hours128

Learning Outcomes

Program Educational Objectives

The department prepares graduates to make significant contributions in many diverse areas. Specifically, within a few years of graduation our graduates will have achieved one or more of the following attributes:

  • In their chosen field, be established in a professional career, be pursuing an advanced degree or be seeking advanced certification.
  • Be recognized as academic, industrial or entrepreneurial leaders.
  • Be successfully working and contributing in a variety of technical fields.
  • Be adapting to new technologies and changing professional environments.

Student Outcomes

Upon graduation, students are expected to be able to:

  • Identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science and mathematics.
  • Apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors.
  • Communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  • Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental and societal contexts.
  • Function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks and meet objectives.
  • Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  • Acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Bachelor's–Accelerated Master's Degree Program(s)

The bachelor's–accelerated master's (BAM) degree program options offer currently enrolled CU Boulder undergraduate students the opportunity to receive a bachelor's and master's degree in a shorter period of time. Students receive the bachelor's degree first but begin taking graduate coursework as undergraduates (typically in their senior year).

Because some courses are allowed to double count for both the bachelor's and the master's degrees, students receive a master's degree in less time and at a lower cost than if they were to enroll in a stand-alone master's degree program after completion of their baccalaureate degree. In addition, staying at CU Boulder to pursue a bachelor's–accelerated master's program enables students to continue working with their established faculty mentors.

BS in Biological Engineering, MS in Chemical Engineering

Admissions Requirements

In order to gain admission to the BAM program named above, a student must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.000 or higher.
  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in CHEN coursework.
  • Have completed CHEN 2120, CHEN 3200, CHEN 3210, CHEN 3320 and CHEN 3010 prerequisite courses with grades of B- in each course.
  • Have at least junior class standing.
  • Provide a one-page statement of purpose. The statement should describes briefly your past work in the field, including non-course educational experiences, teaching, or other relevant employment, publication, theses, research in progress, other scholarly activities, and your plans for graduate study and a professional career.
  • GRE.
  • Provide an unofficial transcript.

Program Requirements

Students may take up to and including 12 credit hours while in the undergraduate program which can later be used toward the master’s degree. However, only six credit hours may be double counted toward the bachelor’s degree and the master’s degree. Students must apply to graduate with the bachelor’s degree, and apply to continue with the master’s degree, early in the semester in which the undergraduate requirements will be completed.

BS in Biological Engineering, Professional MS in Materials Science

Admissions Requirements

In order to gain admission to the BAM program named above, a student must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher.
  • Completion of the following five CHEN core courses with a minimum grade of B- in each course: CHEN 2120, CHEN 3200, CHEN 3210, CHEN 3320 and CHEN 3010.
  • Be enrolled in CHEN 4805.
  • Provide an unofficial transcript.

Students with a GPA below 3.25 (but above 3.0, the university minimum standard) may submit a petition with a letter of recommendation from a professor and a one-page statement of purpose. The statement should briefly describe the student’s past work in the field, including any non-course educational experiences or other relevant employment, and the student’s plans for graduate study and a professional career.

Program Requirements

Students must declare a track in which to specialize. Students may take up to and including 12 hours while in the undergraduate program that satisfy the specialized track courses and/or the breadth elective courses, which can later be used toward the master’s degree. However, only six credit hours may be double counted toward the bachelor’s degree and the master’s degree. Students must apply to graduate with the bachelor’s degree, and apply to continue with the master’s degree, early in the semester in which the undergraduate requirements will be completed.

Please see the BAM degree program webpage for more information.