Leadership Minor (LEAD)


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LEAD 1000 (3) Becoming a Leader

The foundation course will prepare students to exercise leadership in business, government and community organizations. Introduces leadership skills useful in a variety of settings including community and civic activities. Helps students to improve self awareness, understand multiple theories, recognize moral courage, build analytic and critical thinking skills and adapt leadership practices to different people and contexts.

Additional Information: Departmental Category: CU Engage

LEAD 1001 (3) Becoming a Leader: Multicultural Leadership Scholars

Introduces students to the theories and practices of historical and contemporary leadership studies. Students will also examine both the moral and ethical dimensions of leadership and how cultural diversity, inclusivity and social justice apply to culturally competent leadership in the 21st century.

Equivalent - Duplicate Degree Credit Not Granted: LEAD 1000
Requisites: Requires corequisite course of EDUC 2910.
Recommended: restricted to students admitted into the Multicultural Leadership Scholars Program.

LEAD 1002 (3) Becoming a Leader: Leadership & Community Engagement

Introduces students to the theories and practices of historical and contemporary leadership studies. Serves as the foundation course for the Leadership and Community Engagement Major. Students examine the relationships between leadership and social identities, ethics, democratic engagement, diversity and inclusion, and social practices.

Equivalent - Duplicate Degree Credit Not Granted: LEAD 1000
Requisites: Restricted to Leadership/CommunityEngagement (LDCE) majors only.

LEAD 1571 (2) Topics in Leadership: Introduction to Research Methods

Participants will establish their understanding of research through critical exploration of research language, ethics, and approaches. The course introduces the language of research, ethical principles and challenges, and the elements of the research process within quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches. Participants will use these theoretical underpinnings to begin to critically review literature relevant to their field or interests and determine how research findings are useful in forming their understanding of their work, social, local and global environment. Their work will culminate in a research project proposal submitted to CU's Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program.

Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of LEAD 1001, LEAD 2410 and INVS 3100 (all minimum grade C-).
Recommended: Students in the Multicultural Leadership Scholars program.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade

LEAD 2410 (3) Dynamics of Power, Privilege, Oppression and Empowerment in Leadership

Examines the theoretical frameworks of social identity and power dynamic development (individual, group, institutional, cultural) and the resulting inequalities formed by systems of privilege and oppression - and their intersections - are manifested in society and how leadership is used to continue these systems or lead to empowerment and liberation.

Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of LEAD 1000 (minimum grade C).
Additional Information: Departmental Category: CU Engage

LEAD 4000 (4) Leadership in Context and Emerging Challenges: A Capstone

Integrates leadership topics and experiences students pursued through the Leadership Studies Minor. Using advanced critical thinking skills, the seminar requires students to evidence their knowledge, competencies and skills related to leadership theory and practice through examining contemporary leadership challenges. Further, the seminar directs students to justify decision-making processes, demonstrating their ability to synthesize prior knowledge to effect desirable, ethical outcomes.

Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of LEAD 1000 or LDSP 1000 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
Additional Information: Departmental Category: CU Engage

LEAD 4501 (3) Leadership Capstone 1

Apply skills and knowledge developed throughout the Leadership and Community Engagement Major to design and implement public action project. Critically examine local context, including organizations, agencies, firms, and movements. Identify partners and develop relationships based on reciprocity and mutually. Develop theory of change for project and design evaluation tools to measure impact.

Requisites: Requires corerequisite course of EDUC 4500. Restricted to Leadership and Community Engagement (LDCE) majors only.
Recommended: Prerequisite EDUC 4150.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade

LEAD 4502 (3) Leadership Capstone 2

Apply skills and knowledge developed throughout the Leadership and Community Engagement Major to design and implement public action project. Manage complex project with team of students and multiple community partners. Evaluate public impact of project with partners.

Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of LEAD 4501 and EDUC 4500 (all minimum grade C-). Restricted to Leadership and Community Engagement (LDCE-BA) majors only.