Libraries (LIBR)
LIBR 2000 (3) Introduction to Information Literacy
This course will introduce information practices and the integrated literacies for discovering information, exploring how information is produced, and for participating in collaborative creation of new knowledge. Topics include an introduction to the research process, information ethics, and critical analysis of sources. The course will prepare students for both university level research and information practices after graduation.
Requisites: Restricted to students with 0-56 credits (Freshmen or Sophomore) only.
LIBR 3010 (3) Information Landscapes and Literacies
Through sustained inquiry into information literacy topics, students will examine the ways that our critical understanding of the world are shaped by information. Students will explore information practices and cultivate the capacity to draw meaning from and to contribute to information landscapes. Emphasizes information literacy, critical thinking, and research.
LIBR 3030 (1) Civic Engagement in a Changing Information Landscape
With a 24 hour news cycle, political use of social media, and the growth of disinformation, being an informed citizen has become increasingly more important and difficult. With a practical approach on participation in government, students will research and discuss the United States political system, examine the current political climate, what it means to be a good digital citizen, and engage in opposing views.
Grading Basis: Letter Grade
LIBR 3900 (1-3) Independent Library Research
In-depth library research project for upper-division students. Instructor consent required.
LIBR 4029 (1) Art History Research Methods
In this class we will investigate how art scholarship is formed and organized; learn to expertly navigate the vast array of art research resources; and explore advanced techniques for searching both online and offline sources of art information. We will work to develop a critical understanding of our own research processes and reflect on the tools and techniques that lead to both expert research and successful participation in art discourse.
Equivalent - Duplicate Degree Credit Not Granted: ARTH 4029 and ARTH 5029
Additional Information: Arts Sci Gen Ed: Distribution-Arts Humanities
LIBR 4900 (1-3) Independent Library Research
In-depth library research project for upper-division students. Instructor consent required.