Environmental planning directs decision making for urban planning, urban design, land development and natural resource conservation with consideration given to environmental, social, political and economic factors. The field applies the natural and social sciences to promote environmentally sound growth, effective management of natural resources and solutions to urban development to offer the frameworks necessary for achieving sustainable outcomes. In this sense, environmental planners might enlist the traditional skills of landscape architects and urban planners, such as physical planning and site design, to inspire more creative and ecologically informed plans and help mitigate the detrimental effects of development.  

The Environmental Planning Minor provides non-ENVD students experience with the process, technical skills and professional practice of environmental planning. To this end, students software applications (primarily Geographic Information Systems/GIS), theoretical and conceptual materials, and take a planning studio. The minor is directed at students interested in obtaining a graduate degree in planning, urban design or landscape architecture and those wishing to employ interdisciplinarity into their major using the tools of planning and landscape architecture.


Required Courses and Credits

The minor requires that students complete a minimum of 18 credits in environmental planning-related courses. Of those 18 credits, at least 9 must be taught within the ENVD program.

Theory and History Requirement3
Choose one:
History and Theory of Sustainable Planning and Urban Design
History of Landscape Architecture
Process and Practice
Landscape Architecture Theory
Technology Requirement3
Choose one:
Geographic Information Science: Mapping
GIS in the Social and Natural Sciences
Choose two:
Process and Practice
Strategies and Techniques for Sustainable Planning and Urban Design
Sustainable Futures Planning
Digital Tools LAND/PLAN
Special Topics: Social Factors in Design (Inclusive Community Design)
Special Topics: Physical Factors in Environmental Design (Field Sketching through Landscape)
Special Topics: Physical Factors in Environmental Design (Designing and Planning for Natural Areas)
Special Topics: Physical Factors in Environmental Design (Transportation Planning)
Special Topics: Theory and Criticism in Environmental Design (Sustainability and Feng-shui )
Housing Policies and Practices
Site Planning, Materials, and Technologies
Ecological Planting Design
Landscape Architecture Theory
Design Studio6
Choose one:
Capstone in Planning and Urban Design
Total Credit Hours18

Plan(s) of Study

Environmental planning directs decision making for urban planning, urban design, land development and natural resource conservation with consideration given to environmental, social, political and economic factors. The field applies the natural and social sciences to promote environmentally sound growth, effective management of natural resources and solutions to urban development to offer the frameworks necessary for achieving sustainable outcomes. In this sense, environmental planners might enlist the traditional skills of landscape architects and urban planners, such as physical planning and site design, to inspire more creative and ecologically informed plans and help mitigate the detrimental effects of development.  

The environmental planning minor provides non-ENVD students experience with the process, technical skills and professional practice of environmental planning. To this end, students take courses in software applications (primarily Geographic Information Systems/GIS), theoretical and conceptual materials, and take a planning studio. The minor is directed at students interested in obtaining a graduate degree in planning, urban design or landscape architecture and those wishing to employ interdisciplinarity into their major using the tools of planning and landscape architecture.